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Restoring Hope. Obtaining Justice.
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DUI Defense Lawyers in Boise, Idaho

Idaho’s DUI laws are notoriously stringent, resulting in life-changing consequences if you are convicted. However, the criminal justice system isn’t perfect, and innocent people are often wrongfully charged with a DUI in the Boise area. If your rights were violated during the arrest or subsequent investigation, you may be able to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

If you are facing DUI charges in Idaho, you need a DUI lawyer who understands the Idaho legal justice system and will defend you aggressively no matter what challenges you face. At , we deeply understand Idaho DUI laws, allowing us to offer excellent legal services regarding any DUI charge.

A drunk driving conviction could result in jail time, hefty fines, and loss of your driver’s license. Please don’t risk hiring an inexperienced attorney with so much at stake. Call our Boise DUI lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.

What Are Idaho’s DUI Laws?

Idaho law considers a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher to be over the legal limit and may result in a DUI arrest. However, the limit is less for drivers under 21 years old and commercial drivers. Penalties vary depending on the BAC level, whether this is your first or subsequent offense, and whether you caused bodily harm to another person as a result of violating DUI law.

First and Subsequent Offenses

A first DUI offense may not seem like a big deal, but it can have devastating consequences. Please contact a trusted DUI lawyer to get help fighting your charges, even if this is your first time facing DUI criminal charges.

Second DUI offenses and beyond can result in even heftier fines and longer prison sentences. Other possible penalties include license suspension and more. You need DUI attorneys who are well-practiced in fighting a DUI conviction if this is not your first DUI arrest.

Excessive DUI Charges

Another possible charge when facing a DUI conviction is to be charged with aggravated DUI. This could occur when your BAC is .20% or higher or if someone was seriously injured in an accident you caused while driving under the influence. A Boise DUI defense lawyer can help you understand your legal options and provide a solid defense against excessive DUI charges.

Juvenile DUI Charges

If you are under the age of 21 and are arrested for driving under the influence, you may face sentencing that is as severe as that of an adult who faces a DUI arrest. You need immediate legal counsel if you are a young person who has been arrested for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence. Call our Boise law firm now to get the help you need.

How Will a DUI Conviction Affect Me?

A DUI conviction can seriously impact your life now and far into the future. Even if this is your first DUI criminal charge, you should have the best DUI lawyer handling your case. Contact our criminal defense law firm today to learn more about how we can help you fight your charges and get your sentencing reduced.

Jail Time

Even a first-time DUI can get you up to six months in jail. If your BAC level was very high, a first conviction could mean anywhere from 10 days to one year in jail. Subsequent offenses could result in jail time of up to a year and may include other negative consequences like license suspension. Finally, if you are found guilty of felony DUI, you could be sentenced to up to fifteen years in prison.


As with jail time, the amount of money you are fined depends on the severity of the charges brought against you. First-time offenders could pay up to $1,000 in fines, while a felony DUI can result in severe penalties of up to $15,000.

Loss of Driver’s License

Another serious consequence of a DUI conviction is the potential to lose your license. Some DUI offenders may receive a restricted license after their initial 30-day suspension, while other drivers must demonstrate good behavior before petitioning for a restricted license.

What Can I Do to Fight My DUI Charges?

It is essential to understand that you can fight your DUI charges. Hiring a skilled Boise DUI lawyer is critical to achieving positive results in your case.

Failed BAC Tests

One possible defense to DUI criminal charges is proving the breathalyzer test failed to provide an accurate reading. These tests are notorious for being difficult to administer. However, we do not recommend refusing a BAC test because this can negatively impact your case and might even result in additional fines.

Mistaken Identity

You may also be able to defend yourself by proving that you were not the person driving the car. Speak with our Boise DUI lawyers in a free, confidential consultation to learn if this defense or another tactic is suitable for your case.

Hire a DUI Defense Lawyer

Your best defense against a DUI conviction is hiring Boise DUI attorneys who understand the law and will work tirelessly for a favorable outcome in your case. Your DUI attorney can ensure your rights are protected and help you navigate the complicated Idaho legal justice system.

Should You Hire Our Boise DUI Lawyers?

If you have been charged with drunk driving or any other criminal offense, you may worry about what the future holds. The good news is that you don’t have to walk this path alone. You can reach out to our law office right now and schedule a free consultation with our Boise attorney group. We will discuss the details of your unique circumstances and give you the legal representation you need at this critical time.

Whether this is your first offense or you are facing more serious criminal charges, our skilled DUI attorneys will stand by your side and use all of our power, knowledge, and skills to protect your rights. Call today to learn more about how we can help.