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Restoring Hope. Obtaining Justice.
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Juvenile Crime Defense Lawyers in Boise, Idaho

Defending Youth in the Idaho Juvenile System and Protecting Clients’ Rights

When a young person is charged with a criminal offense, this can greatly impact their lives for years to come. The Idaho justice system treats individuals under the age of 17 as juveniles, meaning their criminal charges will be handled in juvenile court unless they involve repeat offenses or more serious charges.

As a juvenile, your child may be able to avoid the harsh punishments of being tried as an adult. However, if they are accused of violent crimes or repeat offenses, there could be more serious consequences. Whatever the individual’s history and current situation, you need a skilled criminal defense lawyer to give you the counsel and legal representation you need to protect the juvenile’s record and ensure your rights are respected during the legal process.

Please seek immediate legal advice from a trusted lawyer such as those at Tatum McBride Law, P.C. We will fight for your child’s rights and seek to reduce or drop the charges whenever possible. We will also ensure that your parental rights are respected during every step of the legal process in the juvenile justice system. We are truly on your side, using our talent, knowledge, and compassion to give your family the legal protection you deserve. Call our Boise, ID law office now to schedule a free consultation at 208-584-2590.

What Are Some Common Juvenile Crimes?

Under Idaho law, juvenile offenses are crimes charged against a person under age 17. The juvenile court system will handle such cases, and the potential consequences are usually less severe than those faced by adult defendants.

Some common juvenile status offenses include:

Some potential consequences of a conviction from the juvenile court include school suspension, mandatory community service, and a criminal record that could follow the individual for years to come. Juvenile records do not simply go away when the child turns 18. So, a conviction now could affect their ability to gain employment, apply for a residence, or enter the military. Contact a Boise criminal defense lawyer right away to get the help you need fighting juvenile charges in Idaho.

What Rights Do Juveniles and Parents Have in Idaho?

When you are facing charges in the juvenile court system, it is essential to remember that you have important rights as a defendant or as a parent.

Rights of the Juvenile Defendant

The individual facing juvenile charges has constitutional rights just as any adult defendant. These include:

  • The right to have an attorney during investigation proceedings
  • The right to remain silent or refuse to answer questions
  • The ability to avoid self-incrimination
  • The right to a fair, speedy trial
  • Freedom from illegal searches and seizures by law enforcement prior to and following the arrest

Your juvenile lawyer should be very familiar with your rights during legal proceedings and should ensure law enforcement officials and others in the juvenile justice system respect these rights.

Rights of the Parents

The defendant’s parents have additional rights due to the age of the minor child, such as:

  • Police should try to contact you when your minor child is arrested.
  • You should be permitted to be with your child during questioning by law enforcement.
  • You have a right to seek legal representation on behalf of your child.
  • You have the right to know why your child has been taken into custody.

Reach out to a trusted juvenile defense attorney today to ensure your rights as a parent are respected during the legal proceedings your child is facing.

What Impact Will a Conviction Have on My Child?

A judge in Idaho juvenile court may impose any of several penalties on a young person convicted of a crime. Some common consequences for a juvenile convicted of violating Idaho law include:

  • Detention of up to 30 days
  • Formal probation for a period of up to three years
  • Sentencing to a correction facility
  • Mandatory community service
  • Loss of driver’s privileges through suspension or revocation
  • Mandatory evaluation by a physician or other medical professional
  • Drug or alcohol intervention

Please note that there are certain cases where a juvenile may be tried as an adult. If found guilty, they could face much more severe consequences, including longer probations or detention periods. Being tried as an adult in Idaho may also mean that future criminal proceedings will be considered adult charges.

Some scenarios that could merit a young person being tried as an adult include:

  • Commission of a crime that would be a felony if committed by an adult
  • Committing a crime while using a deadly weapon
  • Committing a crime when the child clearly understood the criminal nature of their actions
  • Repeat offenses

Should You Hire Our Juvenile Crime Defense Attorneys?

Being tried under juvenile law may seem harmless, but violating any Idaho law can have severe consequences. Even juvenile convictions can impact a person’s life in devastating ways, including years of probation, loss of a driver’s license, and a criminal record that can affect the person’s life for years in the future.

If you or a loved one is facing a criminal charge in Idaho’s juvenile court system, you should consider hiring a defense lawyer representing juveniles in the Boise, ID, area. At Tatum McBride Law, P.C., we promise to protect your legal rights and act in your best interest throughout the legal proceedings.

We know how stressful and heartbreaking it can be to face criminal charges and how scary the potential outcomes can be. We promise to communicate clearly with you throughout the case so you know what your options are and what to expect. You can rely on our record of success to get the positive outcome you’re looking for in your criminal defense case. Call us today to learn more about how we can help in a confidential initial consultation at 208-584-2590.