Restoring Hope.
Obtaining Justice.
Your Future.
Restoring Hope. Obtaining Justice.
Protecting Your Future.

Criminal Defense Lawyers in Boise, Idaho

Offering Clients Excellent Protection and a Strong Legal Defense

Unlike many states that have updated their criminal justice system, Idaho’s laws are still notoriously stringent, leading to many convictions and harsh punishments that are not necessarily deserved. When facing criminal charges in the Boise area, it can be easy to lose your sense of self-worth or even your confidence that you are innocent. In these challenging circumstances, you need excellent criminal defense attorneys who will watch out for your best interests.

We understand the seriousness of drug crimes, domestic violence, and other felony charges. These disruptive events can lead to devastating consequences that impact your life long into the future. Our lawyers promise to give you the respect you deserve, regardless of the charges you might be facing. We will work tirelessly to develop a defense strategy to lower or dismiss your case.

Please let us give you the support you need as you work with the Idaho legal system. Call Tatum McBride Law, P.C. today and hire our Boise criminal defense team.

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Criminal Defense.
All Day, Every Day.


Our Boise, ID team is prepared to help individuals charged with DUI fight their charges and restore their driving privileges.

Domestic violence

We protect our clients from false domestic violence allegations, finding evidence of their innocence to get charges reduced or dismissed.

Post-conviction relief

Our lawyers fight for clients who deserve early release from probation, criminal record cleanup, or other relief from the court.

Battery and Assault

The lawyers on our legal team investigate the details behind battery and assault charges to provide a solid defense against these allegations.

Drug charges

We provide excellent legal counsel and representation for clients accused of drug possession or trafficking.


Our criminal defense lawyers help fight petit theft charges on behalf of our clients, including petty theft and felonies.

Juvenile crimes

When a juvenile faces a criminal charge, our team of attorneys in Boise can offer support for the child and the family and help get reduced charges.

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What Types of Cases Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Handle?

A skilled Boise criminal defense attorney will be prepared to handle a wide variety of cases. Virtually any charge under criminal law in Idaho would fall under the experience and capability of our talented criminal defense lawyers.

Some examples of cases we work with include:

  • Domestic violence
  • Theft crimes
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Violent crimes
  • Driving offenses
  • DUI
  • White-collar crime, including theft
  • Criminal Record cleanup

Our criminal defense attorneys will work with you through every step of the process, including precharge investigations, pretrial hearings and motions, plea negotiations, trial, and (if necessary) sentencing. Your facts and circumstances are evaluated at every step to achieve the best resolution possible. We provide criminal record cleanup if past convictions are now limiting your options. Call Tatum McBride Law now to get the counsel you deserve.

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What Penalties Can I Expect to Face for My Charges?

Each criminal charge is unique, resulting in varying levels of sentencing. Less serious crimes, called misdemeanors, can still result in jail time and fines. More severe crimes, also known as felonies, may have more serious consequences. Some felonies could lead to years in prison or even the death penalty. If you are charged with the same offense multiple times, such as a repeat DUI, you could also face harsh penalties under Idaho criminal law.

Another consequence of a criminal conviction that is often overlooked is the impact of having a criminal record. If you are convicted of a crime, you may be barred from getting professional licensing or have difficulty keeping custody of your children in a divorce. To avoid the harshest punishments, hire a Boise criminal defense attorney immediately.

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What Are Some Strategies to Get My Charge Reduced or Case Dismissed?

Facing criminal charges can be frustrating and disheartening. Some people don’t think there is any way to fight their charges, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. No matter what charges you are facing, there is still hope of receiving a reduced sentence or dismissal of your case.

The most critical aspect of fighting your criminal charges is hiring skilled criminal defense attorneys in Boise, Idaho, who will fight aggressively for your protection. Your attorney can help you find evidence of your innocence or identify ways your rights were violated during the investigation. Sometimes, the simple fact that critical evidence was accidentally thrown away can get your case dropped.

Some other defenses that can be effective in aa Idaho criminal case include:

  • Mistaken identity
  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Lack of evidence
  • Alibi stating you were not at the scene of the crime
  • Character witnesses
  • Violations of your constitutional rights
  • Acting in self-defense
  • Acting under duress
  • Entrapment

Some of the above defenses must be asserted within certain time limits. A delay in securing representation may result in an inadvertent waiver of otherwise valid defenses. Contact our law firm today to get personalized advice based on your unique case.

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Why Choose Us?

Our legal team has an excellent record to back up our claim of being a top-quality criminal defense firm in the Boise, ID, area. We are not like many firms that offer a variety of services. We focus solely on criminal law, giving us the experience and knowledge necessary to get our clients the best possible outcome.

Focus on clients

We understand that facing criminal charges is stressful and also impacts other areas of your life. We will work to reduce your stress through strong representation on your behalf and coordinating our efforts with the plans you have for those other areas of your life.


Part of our excellent service is a commitment to actively communicating with our clients. We will answer your questions and concerns with straight talk, not legal jargon. We promise to inform you at every step of the legal process so you know what’s going on in your case and what is coming next.


Our legal team takes pride in offering compassion and empathy during the confusing and often frustrating process of fighting criminal charges. We value you as a person, not just a case number, and we promise to show that respect and value as we help you get your life back.


One essential part of being a highly effective criminal defense team is having the commitment to see each case through to the end. We will fight for you no matter what obstacles arise, using our knowledge and skill to develop a solid defense and allowing that defense to evolve as the case proceeds until we get you the best possible result.

Strong Defensive Strategies

Harnessing cutting-edge legal insights and result-driven solutions to defend your rights with unmatched vigor, our seasoned team navigates complex legal challenges with innovative approaches, ensuring robust defense and personalized counsel tailored to secure the best outcomes in even the most daunting cases.

Why Choose Us?

Why Should I Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Hiring criminal defense attorneys in Boise, Idaho, is critical to defending yourself in a criminal case. Your attorney can serve in many essential duties, including:

  • Gathering evidence to prove your innocence
  • Advising you on how to handle law enforcement officers’ questions
  • Helping you understand when to exercise your right to remain silent
  • Constructing a defense that exposes holes in the prosecutor’s arguments
  • Negotiating plea bargains that get your charges lowered or dismissed
  • Assisting with relief from court orders and criminal history cleanup

Reach out to our team of attorneys today to speak with a professional with years of experience in criminal defense, getting clients positive results in Idaho criminal cases.

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Can Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Help You?

If you or your loved one is facing criminal allegations, you have our deepest sympathy and concern. We know how confusing and frustrating it can be to fight criminal charges in the Idaho justice system, and we will stand by your side as strong allies to fight the allegations you are facing. Our dedicated team of attorneys will work with all our effort, knowledge, and honesty to achieve the positive outcome you are looking for.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation with our caring, capable legal team at 208-584-2590. You can also stop by our conveniently located office at 1755 N Westgate Dr, Suite 230, in Boise, Idaho. Our office is located 6 minutes from Winstead Park, 11 minutes from Ann Morrison Park, and 13 minutes from Boise Airport (BOI).

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Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Different Types of Theft Crimes in Idaho?

Idaho law specifies two forms of theft: Petty theft and grand theft. Grand theft involves items of greater value, typically over $1,000. However, grand theft could also occur for items such as bank account fraud, credit card theft, or stealing a car. On the other hand, petty theft involves stealing an item valued at $1,000 or less. The greater the severity of the crime, the heftier the fines and punishments. Contact a lawyer immediately if you are charged with theft crimes in Idaho.

What Rights Do I Have as the Parent of a Youth Involved in a Juvenile Crime?

Juveniles have the same constitutional rights as adults, such as the right to remain silent and the right to a fair and speedy trial. The child’s parents also have the right to know why their child was arrested and the right to be present during investigations. A young person accused of a crime will likely face penalties that are not as harsh as would an adult. However, some juveniles may be charged as adults if it is clear they understand the consequences of their actions or if they are facing repeat criminal charges.

What Are Idaho Laws Regarding Drug Crimes?

Idaho law outlines several ways to be charged with a drug crime. One of the least severe is simple drug possession. However, the charge’s severity depends on the drug category and the amount found in possession. Having drug paraphernalia or other aggravating factors could also lead to more severe punishments. If you are accused and found guilty of delivering or trafficking drugs, you could face even more severe penalties, including years in federal prison. Reach out to an experienced criminal defense law firm immediately for help fighting your drug charges.

What Options Do I Have if I’ve Been Wrongly Convicted of a Crime?

Individuals who have been wrongfully convicted of a crime or whose punishment is more severe than the law permits have legal recourse in the Idaho legal system. The most common first step is to seek post-conviction relief, which would involve petitioning for your original trial to be reviewed to find any mistakes made during the proceedings. If the judge did not have the jurisdiction to convict you or if your sentencing was overly harsh, you can get a new verdict. You may also introduce new evidence in post-conviction proceedings. If your petition fails, you can appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court directly.

What Are the Penalties for DUI in Idaho?

Idaho law takes DUI very seriously. However, a criminal defense attorney can protect your rights and get you the best possible outcome, even when facing DUI allegations. This is critical when facing the severe punishments a DUI conviction would bring. You could lose your driver’s license, face years in jail, and be fined thousands of dollars. Subsequent DUIs are handled even more seriously, leading to a greater negative impact in the future.

What Is Aggravated Assault Under Idaho Law?

In Boise, aggravated assault is defined as either causing bodily harm or acting with the intent of causing harm. For example, if you are accused of threatening to harm another person seriously, you could be charged with aggravated assault. Some other examples of aggravated assault crimes include gang fights, domestic violence, threatening someone with a deadly weapon, or using any other item to cause or threaten serious bodily injury.

What Steps Can I Take To Get the Best Outcome in My Criminal Case?

It is natural to react with surprise, fear, and anger when you are arrested for a crime in Boise. However, one of the most important things in your case will be to act calmly and politely when arrested and interrogated by police officers. You should keep the case private and avoid sharing details with others, especially on social media. Of course, hiring a skilled attorney is of utmost importance. You do not have to answer any questions until you’ve spoken with your criminal defense lawyer, and you should exercise your right to remain silent until you’ve gotten counsel from a legal professional.